It's a solution for recycling valuable resources and preserving ecosystems, going to an eco-friendly society With advanced eco-friendly technology, CNJ Global Co., Ltd is making every endeavor to recycle precious resources and preserve every living creature on earth.

Direction of the research

Water-based coating technology

    • Sustainable green solutions
    • Recyclable packaging
    • Biodegradable packaging
    • Low-carbon packaging materials
    • Reduced-pollution packaging materials
    • Ensuring safety
    • Environmentally beneficial products
    • Human-safe products
    • Safe products, suitable for use
    • by different generations
  • Water-based coating
    • Diverse applicability
    • Industrial packaging
    • Packaging materials for food
    • Promoting resource recycling
    • Material packaging that can be collected easily
    • Easily collectable packaging materials
    • Eco-friendly, zero waste packaging materials