
CNJ Global Co., Ltd is constantly making an effort to preserve our eco-system with advance eco-friendly technology.


JUST PAPER is an eco-friendly paper brand of CNJ Global Co., Ltd making every endeavor to recycle limited and precious resources and further conserve all living creatures on earth.
We provide safe and eco-friendly products meeting the rapidly changing lifestyles of consumers to make people think about the importance of recycling resources. We will be constantly striving to pass on a cleaner environment to our next generations.
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    JUST PAPER can be recycled
    100% in the paper recycling
    process of normal A4 papers
    or newspapers

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    JUST PAPER can be
    bio-degraded in nature,
    helping to reduce soil and
    marine pollution.

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    JUST PAPER is fully safe to use,
    satisfying various
    standard of food contact
    material including the eco-label.

Go Green With JUSTPAPER!
Join the eco-friendly virtuous cycle with Just Paper!